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NodeZero's identifies and surfaces many weaknesses that it finds during a pentest. These weaknesses are identified by a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifier (e.g. CVE-2021-44228), or a weakness identifier (e.g. H3-2022-0001).

This page provides a reference for Weaknesses identified by NodeZero. For information on CVEs identified by NodeZero, please reference the official CVE website maintained by MITRE.

Weakness ID                  Name
H3-2020-0001 Remote Desktop Username Disclosure
H3-2020-0002 Anonymous Access to ZooKeeper API
H3-2020-0003 Anonymous Access to Printer using PJL or PS
H3-2020-0004 Zone Transfer Allowed to Any Server
H3-2020-0005 Anonymous FTP Enabled
H3-2020-0006 LDAP Null Bind Allowed
H3-2020-0007 SMB Null Session Allowed
H3-2020-0008 Guest Account Enabled
H3-2020-0009 Weak NFS Export Permissions
H3-2020-0010 NFS UID/GID Manipulation Possible
H3-2020-0012 LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning Possible
H3-2020-0014 Weak or Default Credentials
H3-2020-0016 Insecure IPMI Implementation
H3-2020-0017 IPMI Cipher Zero Vulnerability
H3-2020-0018 Fundamentally Insecure Protocols Detected
H3-2020-0021 Unauthenticated Access to the Jenkins Script Console
H3-2020-0022 Insecure Java JMX Configuration
H3-2020-0023 Apache Hadoop YARN ResourceManager Unauthenticated Command Execution
H3-2020-0028 FTP Directory Traversal Vulnerability
H3-2020-0030 Android Debug Bridge (ADB) over TCP Enabled
H3-2021-0001 Public Access to Amazon S3 Bucket
H3-2021-0002 Subdomain Takeover
H3-2021-0003 Unauthenticated Access to Sensitive Kubelet API Endpoints
H3-2021-0004 Kubernetes Privileged Container Exposure
H3-2021-0005 Unauthenticated Kubelet API Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
H3-2021-0006 Unauthenticated Kubernetes API Server Access
H3-2021-0007 Kubernetes Service Account Token Exposure
H3-2021-0008 Unauthenticated Etcd Access
H3-2021-0009 Unauthenticated Docker Registry API Access
H3-2021-0010 Unauthenticated Docker Engine API Access
H3-2021-0011 Kerberos Pre-Authentication Disabled
H3-2021-0012 Weak or Default Credentials - FTP
H3-2021-0013 Weak or Default Credentials - Telnet
H3-2021-0014 Weak or Default Credentials - SSH
H3-2021-0015 Weak or Default Credentials - SNMP
H3-2021-0016 Weak or Default Credentials - Microsoft SQL Server
H3-2021-0017 Weak or Default Credentials - MySQL
H3-2021-0018 Weak or Default Credentials - Postgres
H3-2021-0019 Weak or Default Credentials - Password Spray
H3-2021-0020 Weak or Default Credentials - Cracked Credentials
H3-2021-0021 Weak or Default Credentials - Web Applications
H3-2021-0022 IPV6 DNS Hijacking Possible Using Mitm6
H3-2021-0023 Public Access to Azure Blob Storage Container
H3-2021-0024 Dangling DNS Record
H3-2021-0029 AWS Unrestricted Assume Role Access
H3-2021-0030 SMB Signing Not Required
H3-2021-0031 Public Access to Git Repository
H3-2021-0032 Credential Reuse
H3-2021-0033 mDNS Poisoning Possible
H3-2021-0034 LLMNR Poisoning Possible
H3-2021-0035 NBT-NS Poisoning Possible
H3-2021-0036 Unauthenticated Access to Elasticsearch
H3-2021-0038 Kerberoasting
H3-2021-0039 Unrestricted Sudo Privileges
H3-2021-0040 AWS Instance Metadata Service v1 Exposed
H3-2021-0042 Credential Dumping - Security Account Manager (SAM) Database
H3-2021-0043 Credential Dumping - Local Security Authority (LSA) Secrets
H3-2021-0044 Credential Dumping - Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) Memory
H3-2021-0045 Credential Dumping - /etc/shadow File
H3-2021-0046 Credential Dumping - Active Directory Services Database (NTDS)
H3-2022-0001 Web Application Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
H3-2022-0002 Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Disabled
H3-2022-0003 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Port Exposed to the Internet
H3-2022-0004 Server Message Block (SMB) Port Exposed to the Internet
H3-2022-0005 Secure Socket Shell (SSH) Port Exposed to the Internet
H3-2022-0006 Database Port Exposed to the Internet
H3-2022-0007 Telnet Port Exposed to the Internet
H3-2022-0008 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Port Exposed to the Internet
H3-2022-0009 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Port Exposed to the Internet
H3-2022-0010 Risky Port Exposed to the Internet
H3-2022-0016 Active Directory Certificate Services Misconfiguration Privilege Escalation - Subject Alternative Name
H3-2022-0017 Active Directory Certificate Services Misconfiguration Privilege Escalation - Any Purpose or No (aka SubCA) EKU Misconfiguration
H3-2022-0018 Active Directory Certificate Services Misconfigured Enrollment Agent Template
H3-2022-0019 Active Directory Certificate Services - Template May Be Requested by Enrollment Agent Signature
H3-2022-0020 Active Directory Certificate Services Misconfigured Template Access Controls
H3-2022-0021 Active Directory Certificate Services Domain Escalation via Vulnerable PKI AD Object Access Controls
H3-2022-0022 Active Directory Certificate Services - EDITF_ATTRIBUTESUBJECTALTNAME2 flag set
H3-2022-0023 Active Directory Certificate Services: Vulnerable Certificate Authority Access Control
H3-2022-0024 Active Directory Certificate Services Misconfiguration: NTLM Relay to AD CS HTTP Endpoint
H3-2022-0033 Unauthenticated Access to Jenkins People Directory
H3-2022-0041 Symfony Profiler Enabled
H3-2022-0067 Weak or Default Credentials - MongoDB
H3-2022-0069 Web Directory Listing
H3-2022-0070 Anonymous MongoDB Access
H3-2022-0074 AWS Assume Role Access
H3-2022-0075 Public-Facing Application Exposed with HTTP Basic Authentication
H3-2022-0076 Unauthenticated AWS Cognito Role
H3-2022-0078 Unauthenticated Gitlab User Enumeration
H3-2022-0079 Credential Dumping - AWS Instance Metadata Service v2
H3-2022-0080 WordPress Unauthenticated User Enumeration
H3-2022-0082 Exposed Kubernetes Version
H3-2022-0084 Credential Reuse - Windows Local Administrator Accounts
H3-2022-0085 Credential Reuse - Shared Windows Local User and Domain User Accounts
H3-2022-0086 Domain User with Local Administrator Privileges
H3-2022-0087 Password Reuse
H3-2022-0088 Public Access to Amazon EC2 AMI
H3-2022-0089 Public Access to Amazon EBS Snapshot
H3-2022-0090 Public Access to Amazon RDS Snapshot
H3-2022-0093 Weak or Default Credentials - Cracked Credentials from Active Directory Services Database (NTDS)
H3-2022-0095 Password Reuse Found in Active Directory Services Database (NTDS)
H3-2023-0001 Apache Superset Authentication Bypass Misconfiguration
H3-2023-0002 Flask Authentication Bypass Misconfiguration
H3-2023-0003 Pre-Windows 2000 Computer Set
H3-2023-0008 AWS Multi-Factor Authentication Disabled
H3-2023-0009 Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation
H3-2023-0010 Kerberos Constrained Delegation
H3-2023-0019 Credential Dumping - Data Protection API (DPAPI) Secrets
H3-2023-0020 PaperCut File Upload Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
H3-2023-0021 Phished Credential
H3-2023-0022 PaperCut Arbitrary File Read and Deletion Vulnerability
H3-2023-0023 Apache Solr Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability
H3-2023-0027 NextGen Mirth Connect Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
H3-2023-0029 Password in Active Directory User Attribute
H3-2023-0030 Active Directory - User Password Not Required
H3-2024-0001 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:AttachUserPolicy
H3-2024-0002 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:PutUserPolicy
H3-2024-0003 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:AttachRolePolicy
H3-2024-0004 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:PutRolePolicy
H3-2024-0005 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:CreateAccessKey
H3-2024-0006 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:CreateLoginProfile
H3-2024-0007 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:UpdateLoginProfile
H3-2024-0008 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:UpdateAssumeRolePolicy
H3-2024-0009 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:CreatePolicyVersion
H3-2024-0010 Microsoft Entra (AzureAD) Connect Credential Dumping
H3-2024-0011 Microsoft Entra (AzureAD) - Over-Privileged Service Principal
H3-2024-0012 Microsoft Entra (AzureAD) - Service Principal Takeover
H3-2024-0016 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:AttachGroupPolicy
H3-2024-0017 AWS Privilege Escalation - iam:PutGroupPolicy
H3-2024-0018 Unauthenticated Access to Redis
H3-2024-0019 Credential Dumping - Office365 Application Memory
H3-2024-0029 Active Directory User has Entra Administrator Role
H3-2024-0030 Traccar Device Image Upload Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
H3-2024-0032 Traccar Self-Signup Enabled
H3-2024-0034 NTLM Authentication Endpoint Exposed to the Internet
H3-2024-0035 AWS Access Key Id Third Party Canary
H3-2024-0036 Improper use of AWS Administrator Access
H3-2024-0037 Azure Cloud Kerberos Trust Abuse
H3-2024-0038 Microsoft Entra (AzureAD) - Entra Group Takeover
H3-2024-0039 Microsoft Graph App Role Privilege Elevation
H3-2025-0002 Management Console Exposed to the Internet
H3-2025-0003 IIS Shortname Disclosure Vulnerability
H3-2025-0019 Git Repo-Jacking
H3-2025-0020 Wordpress Accessible WPConfig
H3-2025-0021 Wordpress Directory Listing
H3-2025-0022 Wordpress DB Repair Exposed
H3-2025-0023 Wordpress Newsletter Manager < 1.5 - Unauthenticated Open Redirect
H3-2025-0024 Active Directory Misconfiguration: Low-Privilege User with GenericAll Privileges