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Grant access to NodeZero Tripwires™

As an Org Admin, you can grant any team member with access to NodeZero the ability to fully manage NodeZero Tripwires™, regardless of their role. When a team member is given full access to Tripwires, they will be able to:

  • View the Tripwires tab.
  • Manage all deployed tripwires.
  • Receive email notifications for all tripwire alerts.

If the team member also has the appropriate roles to run pentests, they will additionally be able to enable the tripwire option in pentest configurations and templates.

Granting Full Access to Tripwires

To grant full access to Tripwires for a team member, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Settings page and select User Management.
  2. Locate the team member you wish to grant access to and click the three dots next to their name.
  3. Click Edit User.
  4. Toggle on Full Access to Tripwires.
  5. Click Edit to save the changes.

Once granted, the team member will have full management capabilities for tripwires and will receive all relevant alert communications.