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Validate NodeZero Host

Once the installation is complete, validate that your NodeZero host is ready to run operations by running the NodeZero environment validation script.


Download SHA256

Run directly on host:

curl | bash

The output should look similar to the following:

# curl | bash
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 18646  100 18646    0     0  61134      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 61134

[#] Conducting pre-checks to validate the environment is NodeZero ready:

[#] Checking Proxy settings and configurations:
[+] Found 0 of 6 proxy settings in /etc/environment
[+] Found 0 of 6 proxy settings in env
[+] PASSED: Proxy is NOT configured

[#] Checking Docker functionality by running the hello-world test container:
[+] PASSED: Docker version installed meets the minimum required version 20.10.
[+] PASSED: Docker is installed and functioning properly.

[#] Checking Docker permissions to volume mount files from /home/nodezero directory:
[+] PASSED: Docker permissions are correct for the /home/nodezero directory location.

[#] Checking Operating System:
[+] PASSED: Linux is a supported Operating System.

[#] Gathering environmental variables to conduct further checks:
[+] PASSED: All environmental variables set and proceeding with next checks.

[#] Checking host time against current UTC time:
[+] PASSED: System time is within 5 minutes of UTC time.

[#] Checking HDD space requirements (20GB Recommended, 10GB Required):
[+] PASSED: There is enough space for the NodeZero container: 79GB

[#] Checking 8GB RAM requirement:
[+] PASSED: This system meets the recommended minimum RAM to support NodeZero.

[#] Checking compute resource requirements:
[+] PASSED: This system has 2 CPUs which meets the minimum logical CPU requirements to run NodeZero.

[#] Pre-check validation completed successfully.

Now you're ready to run an internal pentest!