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N0 utility

n0 utility

The NodeZero host virtual machine comes with a script for setup and maintenancece of the host. To invoke it, type n0 into the command prompt and a menu like the one below will be presented.

1) Check Environment
2) System Info
3) Configure Static IP
4) Configure Network Proxy
5) Update
6) Set Timezone
7) Version Info
q) Exit

Choose an option: _

The following sections provide more information on what these options do.

Check Environment

This runs NodeZero's script to verify the host has the required configuration and settings as well as access externally to the required sites.

System Info

Displays basic system information about the host such as CPUs, Memory and Network settings



Configure Static IP / Configure DHCP

By default the NodeZero host virtual machine comes with DHCP enabled. The option here will toggle between Configure Static IP and Configure DHCP.

This defaults to Configure Static IP to switch from using DHCP to static ips. Once selected follow the prompts to configure a new IP address, Subnet, Gateway and DNS nameserver

If there is a need to switch back to DHCP, it can be selected with same option number which will show Configure DHCP

Configure Network Proxy

To have NodeZero use a proxy for your network provide your proxy setting in the prompt. This command updates values for proxy settings in these files:





For Changes To Take Effect

After setting the proxy, the user must logout and back in before the changes takes effect.


This does three things:

  1. Updates the underlying OS, mostly for getting the latest security patches
  2. Pulls the latest h3-cli while preserving the current configuration
  3. Updates the n0 utility itself.

Ensure Latest Updates

It is suggested to run the update option two times back-to-back to ensure the latest updates are retrieved and implemented

Set Timezone

Allows for setting the timezone on the host. Currently supports UTC, GMT, US and EU timezones

Version Info

Prints the version of n0 being used


Exits the prompt inface of n0