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Client Management

Client Management in NodeZero allows organizations to manage multiple clients or business units within a single NodeZero deployment. This feature is particularly useful for Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) or large enterprises with distinct security environments.


  • The Org Admin role is required to access the Client Management menu.
  • An MSP/MSSP License is necessary. Please reach out to our Sales Team for assistance.

The Org Admin role can create sub-clients, switch between accounts, and manage them independently.

Accessing the menu

  • Verify that you have Org Admin permissions.
  • Navigate to Settings by clicking the user profile button in the top right of Portal
  • Select Client Management from the top menu bar

Adding new clients

  • Click the Add Client button in the upper right.
  • Provide the company with a name and a short name.
  • Click add

Adding new client with the Client Management tool.

Client Settings

Org Admins of parent accounts can manage clients by selecting the account they wish to modify.

Managing sub_clients with client management tools.

This displays the client’s basic details and allows Org Admins to switch to the account for further management.

Org admins can switch to a selected account for further management.

From here the account can be managed as outlined in User Management.

Deleting Clients

To delete an existing client:

  • Click the vertical ellipsis to the left of the client's name
  • Select Delete Client

Tripwires and Rapid Response

  1. When a parent account is enabled for Tripwires or Rapid Response, access will cascade to all sub-clients.
  2. When Tripwires or Rapid Response is disabled for a client, access is revoked for all sub-clients and all tripwires are disabled.
  3. Only Org Admins or users designated by the Org Admin for the client account may see:
    • Notifications for the account
    • Tripwire tab in portal
    • Org Admins of each client can see Rapid Response and Tripwires toggles, and manage user access for Rapid Response and Tripwires on that client only.